Default Wrapper

I am the main page!

This message brought to you by handlers/main.cfc!

Go to suba:main.default

Rendered by FW/1 version 4.2.0

Framework Lifecycle Trace
0ms setupRequest() called
0ms main.defaultqueuing controller
0ms Application.cfcno before controller to call
0ms main.beforeno before controller to call
0ms1ms main.defaultcalling item controller
1ms main.afterno after controller to call
1ms Application.cfcno after controller to call
1ms2ms main.defaultbuilding view queue
3ms1ms main.defaultfound view /examples/modular/pages/main/default.cfm
4ms setupView() called
4ms rendering /examples/modular/pages/main/default.cfm
4ms37ms main.defaultbuilding layout queue
41ms main.defaultfound default layout /examples/modular/wrappers/default.cfm
41ms3ms rendering /examples/modular/wrappers/default.cfm
44ms setupResponse() called